Concept and Direction: Rita Vilhena
Financial Support: República Portuguesa Cultura, Direção Geral das Artes
Support: Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporâneo, Produções Independentes (PI), Encontros do Umbigo


1. Cócegas

Cócegas is a dance that follows a fantastic creature, a magical body moved and created by the love for movement, by the challenge of wanting to say and not having the words and by the rhythmic borning of the gesture and the "speaking" that precedes the words.
dance and costumes: Isadora Dantas
photography: Clara Bevilaqua
video: Gabriel Gomes and Camila Soares
support: c.e.m - centro em movimento and Trust Collective

2. a hora mágica é muito breve

Whenever we move house, we move with objects, we move with things. Things that move from one house to another, that accompany us and accumulate memories within them. And memories of various kinds. Of sensations, events, people, smells or even colors.
Andresa has taken a painting with her wherever she goes. We know it's a picture from 1980, painted by Estevão Soares, and that at the time he painted it, it was fall, or ultimately, we know that he painted fall in one of the other seasons. For Andresa, that painting is like a window. We can therefore say that whenever Andresa moves house, she takes the same window with her. The window that is her father.
Through looking, contemplation and listening, this intimate performance allows us to see this painting, which is, after all, a window and which is also her image of wonder. Hers and possibly ours.
artistic direction: Elizabete Francisca
co-creation and interpretation: Andresa Soares
music: José Vianna da Motta

3. Lapso, lento

Lapso, lento is a film about speed and its ecology and a reflection on the human need for ritual and presence. A ritual allows us to inhabit time, or as Byung Chul-Han writes, makes the world a reliable place. I propose it here as a dance of slowing down, as a playful resistance to the fast and uncertain course of the world.
creation/interpretation: Marta Vieira
voice-over: Marta Vieira, Catarina Vieira, Bruno Couto, Teresa Meira, Elói Barros
sound operation and editing: Gonçalo Silva, Ricardo Rodrigues
light design and operation: Ricardo Cabrinha
image: Bruno Vieira
video capture/editing: Carolina Thadeu, Marta Vieira
music: The Saxophones
creative support: Catarina Vieira, Sofia Lopes, Evan Morson-Glabik, Teresa Meira, Mélanie Rosalino
production: Pólo Cultural das Gaivotas Boavista - Câmara Municipal de Lisboa


Moving backwards to move forwards. Dying to continue living. Letting go of the parts. Listening to what remains: the sound that comes back from kissing the mountains is lighter, ECOAR. ECOAR is many words in one. It's ECO for ecological, from oikos meaning home. It's CO from co-create, from dreaming together. It's CÔA from the region and its engravings shared with the future. It's COAR from a failed attempt to filter it all. It's OAR which, whether it's sound or roar, is an album I want you to hear. It's AIR (AR in Portuguese), which, together with water, is the stuff of clouds. Echoing the whistling of the winds that make the leaves stubble, the increasingly rare flow of rivers, the volatility of clouds and the stillness of stones that are not still in time. Of making ideas, dreams, protests and manifestos echo. To dream, always.
concept and performance: Rebecca Mateus
sound design: Leo Soulflow
costume design: Moony
text, set design and props: Rebecca Mateus
external look: Piny, Bárbara Cordeiro, Maria Antunes, Catarina Rosa (Kenzi), Wanda Caio
support: Côa Festival Corredor das Artes, Cooperativa “A Sacavenense”, Têxtil Manuel Rodrigues Tavares, SA, Horta, FCUL, Com Calma - Espaço Cultural, MOS Espaço Artístico
acknowledgments: Inês Bom, Maria Vicente, André de Campos, Lurdes de Campos, Diogo Mendes, Íris Mota, Fernando Campos, Rodrigo Campos, Raquel Andrade, Diana Niepce, Miguel Cortes Costa, Maurícia Neves, Marcelo Evelin and the entire BATUCADA team