February 24th, 2024

On February 24th, we filled the Armazém da Dança space once again, with a very curious audience and very talented and creative artists. 
This time we welcomed the following artists: Daniela Andana, Miguel Santos, Sofia do Mar, Catarina Gameiro, Mariana Frazão, Viktória Makra and Davin King.
It was a session full of dancing, 5 solo performances and one duet. This time, we did two feedback sessions (between performances), so that the audience wouldn't forget anything, and it worked! Each artist had the opportunity to say a few words about their project and have more time to talk to the audience and hear their opinions. It was a success!

Finally, of course, the dialog continued during the party musicalized by Pramod, accompanied by food and drinks.

Our mission is to give space to artists who have their work in development or already finished, and who are having trouble finding a place to present it. We want to bring artists closer to their audience and provide them with new contacts!

We would like to thank CPBC for giving us the opportunity to use their space and continue to develop this project, and we would also like to thank our guest artists and their audiences, without whom the evening would not go so well.