16th december, 2023
On the 16th, we met again at Armazém da Dança for the last performance session of 2023.
This time we welcomed the following artists: Jo Bruhn, Ana Silva, Ieva Brazenaite, Iro Xyda, Pinelopi Triantafyllou, and Anouk Froidevaux.
It was a session full of dance! Once again, at the end of the performances, we had a feedback session between the audience and the artists. And then, of course, the dialog continued during the party musicalized by Pramod.
We keep the mission of making space for artists who have their work in development or already finished, and who are struggling to find a place to present it. We want to bring artists closer to their audience and provide them with new contacts!
We'd like to thank everyone for continuing to support this project and the artists we hosted.
We thank CPBC for giving us the opportunity to use their space and continue to develop this project, and our other supporters Produções Independentes and Encontros do Umbigo, without whom the evening would not have gone so well.