1. Peles.

There are thin layers. Some full, others empty. Full of me. And empty of me too.
Maybe I lost myself and found myself so many times.
I look for intermediate tones and invisible gestures. That spring from the fresh and charged trace of what was.
Then I fill in synchronous words, the dark and the light.
In the water and in the air, I dive and sweat.
And when unfolded, the clean skin echoes and free sings to the earth.
Entirely resignify.
What was once dust is now a star.

creation: Marta Carvalho
interpretation: Marta Carvalho
music: Rui Aires

2. The view from Halfway Down

Singing birds
laughing bees
tears of joy,
the angel forgot their wings.
Suddenly they're flying
soon, they're asfalt bound.
what goes up may never come down
what comes down may colour their teeth
Does it look how it feels?

direction, performance and interpretation: Sara Santervás
musical selection: Sara Santervás
costumes: Sara Santervás
lighting adapted to the space
creative support: Espaço Corpo Raiz

3. 3 bobby pins

"3 bobby pins" deals with how easy and recurring it can be for a woman to be concerned about her body and appearance, to the point of becoming a disease. 

directed by: Sofia Martins
cast: Elara Miller
soundtrack and sound design: Rui Gaio


An ecopoetic statement on the collective relationship with the environment,
YAGORIA draws attention to abusive deforestation, plastic waste, and pollution.
Reinstantiating the figure of Baba Yaga and drawing from local traditions of
apotropaic practices and eco-spirituality, Yagoria reclaims Ritual as a means to
re-establish a more profound and reflexive relationship with the “interconnected
real”. It explores three sites of tension between pristine/natural systems and
abusive human intervention, where the body acts as a territory for the
inter-dance between equilibrium and disruption.

produced by: (C) Plastic Art Performance collective 2022 / Macaia Association
concept, choreographer, eco-performer: Alina Tofan
photography: Gabriel Durlan
video editor: Alexandru Claudiu Maxim
performers: Maria Mora, Aigul Cheosep, Răzvan Omotă
music: Manuela Marchiș
costume & prop design: Georgiana Vlahbei, Ecaterina Colasîz 
colorization: Răzvan Leucea

:-)  Party with Pramod