February 11th 1952 was the moment when Nancy Stark Smith saw the light of day the first time. We would like to take the coming February 11th 2024 as an opportunity to invite you to celebrate both the practice of Contact Improvisation Dance as well as the birthday of Nancy, who was an American dancer and among the founders of Contact Improvisation.
She devoted the biggest part of her life time to nurture a growing net of dancers and practitioners across the globe, in form of the workshops she was teaching but most importantly in form of the magazine Contact Quarterly which became the central backbone of Contact Improvisation and probably the most comprehensive archive of somatic experiences, insights and questions which were born out of the practice of Contact Improvisation.

In the nineties Nancy became aware of some underlying principles of collective improvisation which later she named as the "under_score". The under_score can be considered as a practice which raises the awareness of processes and sequences that usually occur naturally in group improvisation. It is a collection of tools which make it easier for participants to observe the procedure of establishing a common language. Apart from that, the under_score is a research oriented practice which allows participant to extend, deepen and sharpen their senses and awareness. It offers much space to reflect, digest and harvest insights. Many experienced dancers consider the under_score the richest, most intensive and most revealing form of CI.

On Sunday February 11th we are going to address the following questions: what is CI for us in the present time? How can we rely on the momentum,  the space, the gravity,  our soft bones and tissues and on each other? How can we create a safe space together which is full of curiosity,  risk taking,  care and also just the pure joy of being and dancing together. What can we do together that we cannot do alone. This is how you can take part of our research group:

10h30- 13h00 class with Rita Vilhena and Viktória Makra
13h00 - 14h30 lunch
14h30 - 15h30 introduction with Jakob Maché
15h30 -19h30 under-score

Rua do Açúcar 31-35, 1950-006, Lisboa, Portugal

Full day 30€ to 55€
workshop 15€ to 25€
under_score 20€ to 35€

Contact us: bookingextravagante@gmail.com
IMPORTANT: As we only have about 50 places for this event we would like to ask you to register by paying a deposit of 15€, so that you save your spot. VERY IMPORTANT please write in the comment: YOUR NAME+UNDERSCORE

Payment options:
LT54 3250 0659 9018 5691
MBWAY : 927310107

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